Full Stack
The Atlantic Joint Center was smaller project tasked to me to create a smaller satellite site of the primary website.
This website reused the same template as the main site (Atlantic Spine Center) but designed for joints and sports injurie healthcare.
The website for Atlantic Spine Center was our companies thoroughbred in medical marketing.
The client wanted the same enterprise class website but instead to focus on joint pain and sports medicine.
It didn't take very long to clone and reuse the main website template and components to build this website clone.
Certainly a key to the websites cloneability was the fact it was built using gatsby. Page templates were reused with only minor changes to the styling and brand to give the website an entirely different look.
Buiding static sites inside docker containers has become a staple of my website and application builds.
Not a surprise that React keeps making the list of key developments.I switched to react after building sites for over 2 decades using Jquery combined with an html template engine like Twig.
Powering the sites search was algolia again. Cloning the integration was a snap and only required a new index at algolia and the site search was fully operation.
With widespread support of docter containers and container registries came much simplier methods of deploying my builds. Moving containers from AWS to Google was a snap.
Prior to the move to Google Cloud, AWS hosted most of the sites I built using Docker Swarm and I managed an HA Proxy service that distributed the sites traffic.